
The Bro-System

The Star Bro Bro

Bro is a yellow star in a stable state. It is the main star of the Bro-system.

Dre and his moon Dre
  • Atmosphere: 30 % O, 68 % N, 0.5 % CO2, 1.5 % Div.
  • Minerals: Metals, Uranium
  • Industry: Mining
  • Inhabitants: Homeplanet of the Drej
  • Polit. System: Brojanat
  • Head of state: Brojan DIX of Dre
Gom Gom
  • Atmosphere: 20 % O, 79 % N, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: a few minerals
  • Industry: agriculture
  • Inhabitants: Drej
  • Polit. System: Brojanat
  • Head of state: Brojan DIX of Dre
Bji and his 5 larger moons Bji
  • Atmosphere: 90 % H, 6 % He, 3 % NH3, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Sulfur (not mined)
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none
  • Polit. System: Brojanat
  • Head of state: Brojan DIX of Dre
The ships of Bro

Normally the Drejanian ships are not very fast but their weapons, guns and shields are quite good.

The Brojanat

"Brojan" is the official title of the head of the Drejan state. It will be inherited by the lastborn child of the old Brojan. The gender doesn't play a role. The Brojans are numbered.

At the moment the 59th Brojan since the system has developed is in charge of the government. He is quite clever and got a good diplomatic education from his father, Brojan DVIII.

The last war in the Brojanat took place more than 100 years ago and the actual situation is stable. Even if the Brojanat is not really a democratic system there are some clever rules to avoid bloody revolutions. The Drejan army is a well trained defense force and not useful for an attack.

The Drej

The Drej are normally warm and friendly. Cold and mathematical intelligence is not their part. But that doesn't mean that they were stupid. They are clever in practical and commercial things and react very angry if somebody tries to cheat. As uncomfortable they are as enemies as nice are they as friends. A good portion of humor is one of the most common quality of the Drej. It needs more than a bit of cold wind to bring one of them away from his way. Because the economy of the Brojanat is not the strongest and they planets are not that rich there are many Drej working in other systems. They are used to do hard work.

The Religion of the Drej

The Drej have an old polytheistic religion. Normally they assume that the gods are not much interested in their life and therefore they do not have to be interested in the god's lifes. There are, of course, some small groups with their very own way to handle religion but they hardly ever become visible to the outsiders.

Art and architecture in the Brojanat

Unless they are quite practical in most things Drej like to play with colours and shapes. Buildings, parks and spaceships look sometimes a bit strange but they always tend to be very cosy. They always like experimenting and a bit of chaos is a common result which will be accepted (and has to be accepted by guests).


The body of a Drej is rather small and compact. Head and torso are separated by a short neck. They walk on two short legs and have four arms and two eyes. The upper pair of arms is quite strong and they use it to hold heavy things in their positions.  The lower pair can be used for fine work because these arms are very movable. Hair is quite a rare thing in the Brojanat but whigs in several colors are quit often seen. The colour of their skin goes, depending to their provenience, from a dark red to a light brown.

Special notes

Marriage: Most peoples in the cluster tend to form partnerships for the whole life. Drej normally sign contracts which are limited in time. That is because their reproduction takes place in several active phases wich last for a few years every time. Before and after these phases thre are breaks of the same length. In these breaks the contracts end.


The Nyomri-System

The Nyomri-System contains 5 larger planets around a stable bluish-white star.


  • Atmosphere: none
  • Minerals: Iron, radioactive Elements
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none
  • Polit. System: Republic of Nyomri
  • Head of state: President Dion Gradi from Demni
  • Atmosphere: 10 % O, 89 % N, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Titanium, Silicon, Gold, Silver, Platinum and other metals
  • Industry: Jewelry, Space ships, other high-tech products
  • Inhabitants: Nymrodni
  • Polit. System: Republic of Nyomri
  • Head of state: President Dion Gradi from Demni 


  • Atmosphere: 18 % O, 90 % N, 1 % Xe, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Stone, Concrete, Agricultural goods
  • Industry: Special materials, Electronics, Food
  • Inhabitants: Homeworld of the Nymrodni
  • Polit. System: Republic of Nyomri
  • Head of state: President Dion Gradi from Demni


  • Atmosphere: 70 % H, 20 % He, 10 % Ar, 5 % S, 5 % C
  • Minerals: Sulfur, Carbon
  • Industry: Sulfur-refinery
  • Inhabitants: Nymrodni, 100 Miners
  • Polit. System: Republic of Nyomri
  • Head of state: President Dion Gradi from Demni


  • Atmosphere: none
  • Minerals: none
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: 5 astronomers from Demni
  • Polit. System: Republic of Nyomri
  • Head of state: President Dion Gradi from Demni

The Nymrodni's ships

The spaceships built at Ognio have a very good name. Merchants and merchenaries like their quality reliability and strength.The only property which sometimes doesn't meet the requirements of the customers is the price.

The Republic of Nyomri

The Nymrodni have built a stable and quite efficient form of a presidial democracy. President Dion Gradi leads the government since 30 years.

The Nymrodni

Thanks to the richness of the planets in the Nyomri-system their inhabitants don't have to suffer from shortages in money or goods. So they can concentrate in beeing polite and correct. Nymrodni are reliable business partners as long as you are reliable and polite too. They are less emotional than most other races in the cluster.


The Nymrodni are quite tall and slim. They have two long legs, two long arms, two eyes and small but sensitive ears. The hair is quite long but often very thin and only slightly coloured. The skin's colour goes from greenish-white to a light greenish brown.

Architecture and art of the Nymrodni

Most buildings follow technical reasons and are not meant as artwork. But there is some sort of cool, technical elegance even in these buildings. If there is some art it is nearly always integrated into a functional design.


The E-Alo-Mria-Pau-System

The yellow star E-Alo-Mria-Pau is surrounded by 4 large planets


  • Atmosphere: 28 % O, 70 % N, 1 % Ne, 0.001 % NH3, 0.999 % Div.
  • Minerals: Sand, Iron
  • Industry: Mining
  • Inhabitants: Homeworld of the E-Grom
  • Polit. System: Imperial Democracy of Grom
  • Head of state: IE-GRO-GNIA-GROM
  • Atmosphere: 40 % O, 30 % N, 10 % CO2, 19 % Ar, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Uranium, Crystals, Titanium
  • Industry: Mining, Production of iron, several small shops and companies
  • Inhabitants: E-Grom
  • Polit. System: Imperial Democracy of Grom
  • Head of state: IE-GRO-GNIA-GROM


  • Atmosphere: 70 % H, 10 % He, 10 % Cl, 8 % F, 1 % HCl, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: none
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none
  • Polit. System: Imperial Democracy of Grom
  • Head of state: IE-GRO-GNIA-GROM


  • Atmosphere: 60 % H, 35 % He, 4 % Xe, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: none
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none registered
  • Polit. System: Imperial Democracy of Grom
  • Head of state: IE-GRO-GNIA-GROM

The ships of E-Alo-Mria-Pau

The Grom's ships are well known for their bad quality and maintenance. Mostly they are filled with weapons and guns. Travelling with a Grom-frighter is something the traveller will NEVER forget! The only organization which owns really good ships in the "Imperial Democracy of Grom" is the "IE-Kran", the guard of the "Great Grom".

The "Imperial Democracy of Grom"

IE-GRO-GNIA-GROM (The name has to be written in capital letters) calls himself one of the greatest leaders in the universe. His title means "IE, great and almighty Grom". More realistic people would call him a dictator and murderer. His guard, the "IE-Kran", is his army and secret service. It "cleans" the state from everybody opposing agains the "Great Grom". The "Imperial Democracy of Grom" claims the Nuarom-System as a part of it's territory but there is no evidence and the Nymrodni insist in the independence of this territory.

The E-Grom

The E-Grom are a chaotic pile of pirates. The "IE-Kran" is the only force capable to stop them but it only cares about the interests of the "Great Grom". Personal and commercial interests of other parties aren't their job and it is hard to get your money out of the "Imperial Democracy of Grom".


The Grom are nearly as tall as the Nymrodni but more massive. Four legs, two arms and a thick reptilic skin makes them good fighters.

Architecture and art of the E-Grom

The E-Grom don't give much in artistic skills. They had a great culture in the past but this heritage has been kept by the Jo-Grom. The only style you can find in the streets of the Great Grom's Imperium reflects the things he likes. Most buildings are cold and dark but also very impressive.

The Frim-Eljo-System

The Star of the Frim-Eljo system is a red (but calm) giant. Geologically spoken is it the second-oldest of the inhabited star systems in the cluster and it contains the only inhabitable moon.


  • Atmosphere: 70 % N, 20 % CO2, 5 % Ar, 2 % Xe, 2 % Div.
  • Minerals: Iron, Silicon
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none
  • Polit. System: The Jo
  • Head of state: The High Council of the worlds of El
  • IMPORTANT: The planet plays a major part in the local religion. Do not land there.
  • Atmosphere: 22 % O, 77 % N, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Metals, Agriculture
  • Industry: Mining, Food
  • Inhabitants: Jo-Grom
  • Polit. System: The Jo
  • Head of state: The High Council of the worlds of El

Mond von El

  • Atmosphere: 17 % O, 82 % N, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Gold, Platinum, Gems
  • Industry: Mining, Jewelry
  • Inhabitants: Jo-Grom
  • Polit. System: The Jo
  • Head of state: The High Council of the worlds of El


  • Atmosphere: 80 % Xe, 10 % Ra, 4 % Kr, 3 % Ar, 2 % He, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Gases
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: 22 monks in the Temple of Eljo
  • Polit. System: Temple of Eljo, part of the Jo
  • Head of state: Eljo-Grom

Spaceships from Frim-Eljo

The only ships the Jo-Grom own are 8 small and unarmed freighters.

The Jo (Government)

There are two part forming the government:

1. The High Council of the worlds of El

This council contains the 21 oldest men from El and El's moon. The oldest woman of the two worlds, together with to female counselors, is the president.

2. The temple of Eljo

The planet Jo is inhabited by 21 monks of the god Eljo under their leader, the Eljo-Grom. They are in charge for the religious aspects of the political life which plays an important part. The temple of Eljo is the most important religious place for all the Grom in the cluster.

The Jo (Religion)

The Jo is a strictly monotheistic religion based on a very old collection of myths, legends and report, the "Book Jo". The most important rules in the Jo are respect, discussions and compromises. Therefore most Jo-Grom are quite skilled in these things and there are hardly ever violent conflicts.

In every hous of Frim-Eljo you can find a seat prepared for Eljo. It does not necessarily have to be empty all the time but it had to be handed over to Eljo if he needed it.

The Jo-Grom

When IE-GRO-GNIA-GROM became head of state in the E-Alo-Mria-Pau-system he tried to destroy the religious structures. Therefore the Eljo-Grom and his people had to flee. They found their holy place in the unihabited star system they called Frim-Eljo (Eljo's destiny). It attracted lots of Grom who were threatened from the "IE-Kran" because they did not want to leave the religion. To stress their link to Eljo they called themselves "Jo-Grom".

The Jo-Grom are friendly to guests and try to help everybody who is in trouble.

Art and Architecture of the Jo-Grom

The old culture of the Grom is living in this system. Most artworks are, of course, linked to the religion. There are beatiful but mostly rather small temples with lots of ornaments and very symbolic pictures. An outsider is hardly ever capable to make sense of the scenes painted to the walls.

Security in the Frim-Eljo system

The "Great Grom" knows about the religious importance of  the temple at Jo. He can't attack it directly without loosing his position inside and outside his state. So he has to keep his pirates out of the system. But he would be the last person in the universe hindering someone to do some harm to the Jo-Grom because religion is the strongest force against the terror of his "IE-Kran".

The Nuarom-System

Nuarom is a binary star. The component A is a red giant and B is a white dwarf. It is the oldest inhabited star system in the cluster.

a (Alpha)

  • Atmosphere: none
  • Minerals: none
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none registered
  • Polit. System: none
  • Head of state: independent
b (Beta)
  • Atmosphere: 74 % N, 25 % CO2, 1 % Div. (Cl, HCl and others)
  • Minerals: none
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none (hardly possible to live there)
  • Polit. System: none
  • Head of state: independent

g (Gamma)

  • Atmosphere: 82 % N, 16 % CO2, 1 % O, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: Iron, Titanium (small amounts)
  • Industry: Repair- and maintenance-station, bars and (night-)clubs
  • Inhabitants: all species; no complete statistics
  • Polit. System: none
  • Head of state: independent

d (Delta)

  • Atmosphere: 62 % H, 20 % CH4, 10 % NH3, 7 % He, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: none
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none registered
  • Polit. System: none
  • Head of state: independent

e (Epsilon)

  • Atmosphere: 80 % H, 19 % He, 1 % Div.
  • Minerals: none
  • Industry: none
  • Inhabitants: none registered
  • Polit. System: none
  • Head of state: independent

Culture around Nuarom?

The inhabitants of the Nuarom system are normally very individualistic. Some of them call themselves "Artist" but they hardly ever find somebody sharing their ideas of culture. But the wildness of this star system sometimes can be a source of creative energy (besides the electromagnetic one). 

Astrophysical stability in Nuarom

The binary star is everything else but a stable constellation. But a the moment they behave quite well. Experts monitor the activity very closely and their work is often supported by the pirates because they don't really wont to be fried by unpredicted eruptions.

Security in the Nuarom system

The E-Grom claim authority over the Nuarom system. The other governments, mainly the Nymrodni, want to have it independent. Therefore there is no police or army and no control of the population. The merchants at Gamma hired a group of mercenaries. Thanks to this the planet can be reached safely. But it is not recommended to visit another place in the system because there are lots of strange and often armed groups there who fight for and against everything. Besides that there are several clans specialised in piratery.

Some groups in the Nuarom system

Fre-Grom (Freedom to the Grom)

  • Goal: Kill the "Great Grom"
  • Equipment: Everything which is able to fly and/or shoot
  • System: Terroristic attacs agains the E-Grom and everybody the suspect to be linked to them.
  • Members: Grom and other militant enemies of IE-GRO-GNIA-GROM


  • Goal: Destruction of the Fre-Grom
  • Equipment: Different ships, modern weapons
  • System: Murder, Spies, Infiltration
  • Members: Infoficial members of the secret service of the "Imperial Democracy of Grom"

Warriors of the light

  • Goal: Save the world (nobody really knows why)
  • Equipment: Dreijan ships, modern weapons.
  • System: Attack everything and everybody
  • Members: Religious fanatics under guru Dek, mainly Drej


  • Goal: Money
  • Equipment: Every ship possible, sometimes self-made
  • System: Attack, board or destroy the ship and picking up the remaining pieces
  • Members: all species of the cluster